List of character, symbol & sign names

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Sometimes we don’t know the sign name, the character, and the Symbols name. Like some time when I see some symbol and I forgot the name so that’s the reason I have written this blog even tho I don’t even get any traffic on this blog but still, it’s knowledgeable information so I have written it. I hope you will find it informative.

List of characters, symbols & sign names

Below is an overview of 85 constantly used characters, punctuation symbols, or signs that are included in utmost sources. These include punctuation marks and other symbols used in typography. Technically these character shapes are called characters. Next to each icon name the Unicode and HTML reality are listed, as well as the ASCII law and HTML reality if these are available. I also listed the Windows ALT keystroke or the Mac fellow that can be used to fit the character in a textbook.

The typeface used for utmost exemplifications is Arial Bold. Small lines indicate the birth, x-height, and ascender and descender heights.

Click a character




æ Æœ Œâçè




½ ⅓ ¼ ⅔ ¾¹²³


.,:;!¡?¿&@¦{ }( )[ ]°¨‹ ›« »~_


|¦† ‡°¨♀♂*µÅΩ©®§



AE ligatures – æ and Æ

lowercase ae ligature

Lowercase ae

Lowercase ae

Unicode U 000E6

HTML reality & aelig; – HTML law æ

PC keystroke ALT 0230

uppercase ae ligature

Uppercase ae

Uppercase ae

Unicode U 000C8

HTML reality & AElig; – HTML law Æ

PC keystroke ALT 0198

nearly Equal To – ≈

nearly equal to subscribe

nearly equal to

Unicode U 02248

HTML reality & amp; – HTML law ≈

Also called roughly equals, asymptotic to, or the double tilde. The tilde(

, roughly equal to( ≅), and asymptotically equal to( ≃) are other signs used to indicate approximation, depending on the environment.

Ampersand – &

ampersand sign


Unicode U 00026 – ASCII 38

HTML reality & – HTML law &

Badge deduced from the letters et – Latin for ‘ and ’

PC keystrokes generally set up in the top row

Angstrom – Å



Unicode U 0212B

HTML law Å

Letter from the Swedish ABC that’s used to indicate a unit of length equal to0.1 nanometre( 10 −10 m)

Apostrophe – ‘

apostrophe sign


Unicode U 00027 – ASCII 39

HTML reality ‘ – HTML law ‘

Also called the ending single citation mark

PC keystroke ALT 39 or ALT 0027

roughly equal to – ≅

roughly equal to

roughly equal to

Unicode U 02245

HTML reality & cong; – HTML law ≅

Asterisk – *

asterisk sign


Unicode U 0002A – ASCII 42

HTML reality & ast; – HTML law *

PC keystroke ALT 42

At subscribe –@

at sign


Unicode U 00040 – ASCII 64

HTML reality & comment; – HTML law @

In Unicode, this is called the marketable icon.

Backslash –

backslash sign

Rear Solidus

Unicode U 0005C – ASCII 92

HTML reality & bsol; – HTML reality

The Unicode name is rear gash indeed though that icon is less perpendicular.

Broken Vertical Bar – ¦

broken perpendicular bar sign

Broken Vertical Bar

Unicode U 000A6

HTML reality & brvbar; – HTML law ¦

PC keystroke ALT 0166

pellet – •

pellet sign


Unicode U 02022

HTML reality & bull; – HTML law •

PC keystroke ALT 0149

Caret –


Unicode U 0005E – ASCII 94

HTML reality & chapeau; – HTML law ^

Also called the chapeau, roof, or house sign.

Used in mathematics to represent an exponent, similar to a square or cell(e.g. 63). Also used as a longhand for Ctrl(e.g. Ctrl C = C) or to indicate the content is missing. Not to be confused with the circumflex accentuation which is used on top of characters(e.g. â)


cedilla sign


Unicode U 000B8

HTML reality & ccedil; for a lowercase c with cedilla

generally added underneath other characters,e.g. ç or Ȩ. Resembles a small ‘ 5 ’ in utmost typefaces.

Cent subscribe – ¢

cent sign


Unicode U 000A2

HTML reality & cent; – HTML law ¢

Used in numerous currencies, occasionally with a perpendicular line or no line

PC keystroke ALT 0162

Checkmark – ✓



Unicode U 02713

HTML reality & check; – HTML law ✓

There’s also a bold or heavy checkmark ✔( HTML law ✔)

Colon –

colon sign


Unicode U 0003A – ASCII 58

HTML reality & colon; – HTML law :

The punctuation mark that frequently precedes an explanation or a list

Comma –,

comma sign


Unicode U 0002C – ASCII 44

HTML reality & comma; – HTML law ,

The punctuation mark that’s among others used to separate the corridor of a judgment or list

Brand subscribe – ©

brand sign


Unicode U 000A9

HTML reality & dupe; – HTML law ©

Symbols used in brand notices

PC keystroke ALT 0169 – Mac keystroke OPTION g

Curled classes –{}

left curled type

Left Curly Bracket

Left Curly Bracket

Unicode U 0007B – ASCII 123

HTML reality & brace; – HTML law {

Also called the left-wing brace

right curled type

Right Curled type

Right Curled type

Unicode U 0007D – ASCII 125

HTML reality & brace; – HTML law }

Also called the right brace

Currency subscription – ¤

currency sign


Unicode U 000A4

HTML reality & current; – HTML law ¤

Longhand for a currency’s name, especially in reference to quantities of plutocrat

PC keystroke ALT 0164

Daggers – † and ‡




Unicode U 02020

HTML reality & dagger; – HTML law †

Typographical symbol to indicate a citation( as volition to using asterisks)

PC keystroke ALT 0134 – Mac keystroke OPTION T

double dagger

Double dagger

Double dagger

Unicode U 02021

HTML reality & Dagger; – HTML law ‡

PC keystroke ALT 0135

Degree – °

degree sign


Unicode U 000B0

HTML reality & deg; – HTML law °

PC keystroke ALT 0176 – Mac keystroke SHIFT OPTION 8

Diaeresis or Umlaut – ¨

diaeresis sign

Diaeresis or Umlaut

Unicode U 000A8

HTML reality & uml;

Diacritic( icon added to other characters as an accentuation,e.g. ë or Ä) that’s called a diaeresis in languages like French or Spanish while it’s called an umlaut in German. further on the difference can be set up then.

PC keystroke ALT 0168

Division subscribe – ÷

division sign

Division subscribe

Unicode U 000F7

HTML reality & peak; – HTML law ÷

Used to indicate fine division indeed though the ISO 80000- 2 standard recommends using the gash(/) for this.

PC keystroke ALT 0247

Dollar subscribe –$



Bone subscribe

Unicode U 00024 – ASCII 36

HTML reality & bone

; – HTML law $

Also used for the Peso and other currencies

Ellipsis –



Unicode U 02026

HTML reality & hellip; – HTML law …

Also called the triadic- fleck or suspense point. further word at Wikipedia

PC keystroke ALT 0133 – Mac keystroke OPTION;

EM gusto

em dash

Em gusto

Unicode U 02014

HTML reality — – HTML law —

PC keystroke ALT 0151 – Mac keystroke SHIFT ALT hyphen

EN gusto – —

en gusto

En gusto

Unicode U 02013

HTML reality – – HTML law –

The punctuation mark that’s substantially used to show ranges in figures and dates

(e.g. the times 1914 – 1918)

PC keystroke ALT 0150 – Mac keystroke ALT hyphen

coordinates subscribe – =

Equal subscribe

Unicode U 0003D – ASCII 61

HTML reality & equals; – HTML law =

The mathematical symbol used to indicate equivalency. Also named the equivalency sign

Euro subscribe –€


Euro subscribe

Unicode U 020AC

HTML reality & euro; – HTML law €

Used for the euro, the sanctioned currency of utmost European countries

PC keystroke ALT 0128

interjection Mark –!

interjection mark

interjection Mark

Unicode U 00021 – ASCII 33

HTML reality & excl; – HTML law!

Also called the interjection point

Punctuation marks are used to indicate strong passions or high volume or to show emphasis, frequently at the end of a judgment

Female subscribe – ♀

womanish sign

womanish subscribe

Unicode U 002640

HTML reality & lady; – HTML law ♀

PC keystroke ALT 12

fragments – ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅔ ¾

bit one half

One Half

One-half bit – ½

Unicode U 000BD – ASCII –

HTML reality & frac12; – HTML law ½

PC keystroke ALT 0189 or ALT 171

bit one quarter

One Quarter

One-quarter bit – ¼

Unicode U 000BC

HTML reality & frac14; – HTML law ¼

PC keystroke ALT 0188 or ALT 172

bit one third

One Third

One-third bit – ⅓

Unicode U 02153

HTML reality & frac13; – HTML law ⅓

three diggings bit

Three diggings

Three diggings bit – ¾

Unicode U 000BE

HTML reality & frac34; – HTML law ¾

two thirds

Two thirds

Two-thirds bit – ⅔

Unicode U 02154

HTML reality & frac23; – HTML law ⅔

PC keystroke ALT 0190

Full Stop –.

full stop

Full Stop

Unicode U 0002E – ASCII 46

HTML reality & period; – HTML law.

Also called the period.

Grave Accent –

grave accentuation

Grave Accent

Unicode U 00060

Also called the backtick.

PC keystroke ALT 96

Greater Than Subscribe –>

lesser than

Greater Than subscribe

Unicode U 0003E – ASCII 62

HTML reality > – HTML law >

Hyphen – –



Unicode U 02010

HTML reality & hyphen; – HTML law ‐

Punctuation marks are used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

Different from and slightly shorter than the dashes, like the en- gusto( –), and the disadvantage sign(-)

Identical To subscribe – ≡

identical to

Identical To subscribe

Unicode U 02261

HTML reality & equiv; – HTML law ≡

Also called the triadic bar sign.

There’s also a not identical to subscribe( ≢ – HTML reality & equip; – HTML law ≨)

perpetuity – ∞



Unicode U 0221E

HTML reality & infin; – HTML law ∞

Interrobang –



Unicode U 0203D

HTML law ‽

Also, called the bang or interabang and represented by?!,!?,?!? or!?!

Punctuation marks used to express excitement or unbelief or to ask a rhetorical question

reversed Exclamation Mark – ¡

reversed exclamation mark

reversed Exclamation Mark

Unicode U 000A1

HTML reality & iexcl; – HTML law ¡

Also called the downside down interjection mark

PC keystroke ALT 0161

reversed Question Mark – ¿

inverted question mark

reversed Question Mark

Unicode U 000BF

HTML reality & inquest; – HTML law ¿

Also called the downside down question mark

PC keystroke ALT 0191

Less Than Subscribe –<

lower than

Less Than subscribe

Unicode U 0003C – ASCII 60

HTML reality < – HTML law <

lower Than Or Equal To subscribe – ≤

lower than or equal to

lower Than Or Equal To subscribe

Unicode U 02264 – ASCII –

HTML reality & le; – HTML law ≤

capsule – ◊


capsule subscribe

Unicode U 025CA

HTML reality & loz; – HTML law ◊

Also called the diamond, rhombus, or thin rhombus

PC keystroke ALT 4 for the black or filled capsule

manly subscribe – ♂

manly sign

joker subscribe

Unicode U 02642 – ASCII –

HTML reality & joker; – HTML law &# 9794;

PC keystroke ALT 11

Micro – µ


Micro subscribe

Unicode U 000B5 – ASCII –

HTML reality & micro; – HTML law µ

This is the Greek letter mu.

PC keystroke ALT 0181 – Mac keystroke ALT M

disadvantage – –

minus sign

disadvantage subscribe

Unicode U 02212 – ASCII 45

HTML reality & disadvantage; – HTML law −

Math symbols used for deduction as well as the notion of negative

PC keystroke ALT 45

further Than Or Equal To subscribe – ≥

further than or equal to

further than or Equal To subscribe

Unicode U 02265 – ASCII –

HTML reality & ge; – HTML law ≥

addition subscribe – ×


addition subscribe

Unicode U 000D7 – ASCII –

HTML reality & times; – HTML law ×

Also called the times to subscribe or the dimension sign and is different from the lowercase ‘ x ’.

PC keystroke ALT 0215

Not subscribe – ¬

not subscribe

Not subscribe

Unicode U 000AC

HTML reality & not; – HTML law ¬

Also called the negation sign

PC keystroke ALT 0172

Not Equal To Subscribe – ≠

not equal to subscribe

Not Equal To subscribe

Unicode U 02260 – ASCII –

HTML reality & ne; – HTML law ≠

Mac keystroke OPTION =

subscribe is used to indicate that two amounts, expressions or equations aren’t equal.

This isn’t called the ‘ rent equal ’ sign.

Number subscribe –#

number sign

Number subscribe

Unicode U 00023 – ASCII 35

Also appertained to as the pound, hash, or octothorp sign

OE ligatures – œ and Œ

lowercase or ligature

Lowercase oe

Lowercase oe

Unicode U 00153

HTML reality & oelig; – HTML law œ

PC keystroke ALT 0156

uppercase or ligature

Uppercase oe

Uppercase oe

Unicode U 00152

HTML reality & OElig; – HTML law Œ

PC keystroke ALT 0140

Ohm subscribe – Ω

ohm sign


Unicode U 02126

HTML law Ω

Identical to the greek capital letter omega

Gap –()
left gap
Left Parenthesis
Left Parenthesis
Unicode U 00028 – ASCII 40
HTML reality & lpar; – HTML law (
A punctuation mark used to enclose information
Also appertained to as the left round type or left twisted type or opening type( in the UK)
right gap
Right gap
Right gap
Unicode U 00029 – ASCII 41
HTML reality & repair; – HTML law )
A punctuation mark used to enclose information
Also appertained to as the right round type or right twisted type or ending type( in the UK)
Percent subscribe –
percent sign
Unicode U 00025 – ASCII 37
HTML reality & percent; – HTML law %
Symbols are used to indicate a chance, a number, or a rate as a bit of 100.
Also called the chance to sign
Per Mille subscription – ‰
per mille sign
Per Mille subscribe
Unicode U 02030
HTML reality & permit; – HTML law ‰
The symbol used to indicate corridor per 1000.
Also called the per shop or per mille sign
PC keystroke ALT 0137
Per Ten Thousand subscribe – ‱
per ten thousand
Per ten thousand
Unicode U 02031
HTML reality & pertenk; – HTML law ‱
The symbol used to indicate corridor per 10000.
PC keystroke ALT 0137
Pilcrow subscribe – ¶
Pilcrow subscribe
Pilcrow subscribe
Unicode U 000B6
HTML reality & para; – HTML law ¶
Also called the paragraph mark, paraph or alinea
PC keystroke ALT 0182 – Mac keystroke OPTION 7
Plus subscribe –
plus subscribe
Plus subscribe
Unicode U 0002B – ASCII 43
HTML reality & plus; – HTML law +
Math symbols used for addition as well as the notion of positive
Plus Minus subscribe – ±
plus minus
Plus- Minus subscribe
Unicode U 000B1
HTML reality & plusmn; – HTML law ±
Mathematical symbols with multiple meanings, are also appertained to as give or take.
PC keystroke ALT 0177
Pound subscribe –£
Pound subscribe
Unicode U 000A3 – ASCII –
HTML reality & pound; – HTML law £
In the US, the ‘ pound sign ’ refers to the number sign(#).
There’s also a double gusto interpretation ₤
PC keystroke ALT 0163 – Mac keystroke OPTION 3
Question Mark –?
question mark
Question Mark
Unicode U 0003F – ASCII 63
HTML reality & hunt; – HTML law?
Punctuation mark to indicate an interrogative clause or expression
Quotation Marks – ” ‹ ›«»
There are regular and angled citation marks. These punctuation marks are used for citations in a number of languages.
citation mark
Citation Mark
Unicode U 00022 – ASCII 34
HTML reality ” – HTML law ”
Also called the double quotation. Typographers generally prefer separate left and right double citation marks. These look like this “ ”. Left and right single citation marks also live ‘ ’. Also there are two so-called low- 9 variants ‚ „ and a double high-retrograde- 9 citation mark ‟.
Single-angle citation marks
Left Single Angle Quotation Mark
Left pointing single angle citation mark
Unicode U 02039
HTML reality & lsaquo; – HTML law ‹
Not to be confused with the ‘ lower than ’ subscribe(<)
Right Single Angle Quotation Mark
Right pointing single angle citation mark
Unicode U 0203A
HTML reality & rsaquo; – HTML law ›
Not to be confused with the ‘ lesser than ’ subscribe(>)
Double-angle citation marks
Double angle citation marks are also called guillemets or double decorations
left angle double citation mark
Left Double Angle Quotation Mark
Left pointing double angle citation mark
Unicode U 000AB
HTML reality & laquo; – HTML law «
PC keystroke ALT 0171
right-pointing double angle citation
Right Double Angle Quotation Mark
Right pointing double angle citation mark
Unicode U 000BB
HTML reality & raquo; – HTML law »
PC keystroke ALT 0187
Registered subscribe – ®
Registered subscribe
Unicode U 000AE – ASCII –
HTML reality & regulation; – HTML law ®
Also called the Racol.
PC keystroke ALT 0174 – Mac keystroke OPTION R
Ruble – ₽
Ruble subscribe
Unicode U 020BD
HTML law ⁾
Used for the ruble or rouble, the currency of Russia
Rupee – ₹
Indian Rupee subscribe
Unicode U 020B9
HTML law ₹
Used for the rupee, the currency of India. There’s an alternate sign for the rupee ₨( Unicode U 20A8, HTML law ₨). It’s used by other countries that also use a rupee, similar to Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal
Section subscribe –§
Section subscribe
Unicode U 000A7 – ASCII –
HTML reality & side; – HTML law §
PC keystroke ALT 0167
Semicolon –;
Unicode U 0003B – ASCII 59
HTML reality & semi; – HTML law ;
Slash –/
Unicode U 0002F – ASCII 47
HTML reality & sol; – HTML law /
Also called the forward rent or stroke( UK).
In Unicode, it’s called the gash indeed though that icon is less perpendicular.
Square classes –()
left square type
Left Bracket
Left Bracket
Unicode U 0005B – ASCII 91
HTML reality & black; – HTML law [
Also called the left individualism or opening type( in the USA)
right square type
Right Bracket
Right Bracket
Unicode U 0005D – ASCII 93
HTML reality & brack; – HTML law ]
Also called the right individualism or ending type( in the USA)
Superscript One – ¹
catchword one
Superscript One
Unicode U 000B9
HTML reality & sup1; – HTML law ¹
PC keystroke ALT 0185
Superscript Two – ²
catchword two
Catchword Two
Unicode U 000B2
HTML reality & sup2; – HTML law ²
PC keystroke ALT 0178
Superscript Three – ³
catchword three
Superscript Three
Unicode U 000B9
HTML reality & sup3; – HTML law ³
PC keystroke ALT 0179
Tilde –
Unicode U 0007E
HTML reality & tilde; – HTML law ~
Also called the swung gusto, squiggly or twiddle.
PC keystroke ALT 0126
Used to indicate ‘ roughly ’ or ‘ around ’. It can also indicate ‘ analogous to ’. In some languages, the tilde is placed over a letter to indicate a change in its pronunciation.
Trade Mark subscribe – ™
Trade Mark subscribe
Unicode U 02122
HTML reality & trade; – HTML law ™
Symbol to indicate that the antedating mark is an unrecorded trademark.
For registered trademarks ® is used.
PC keystroke ALT 0153 – Mac keystroke OPTION 2
Underscore –,
Low Line
Unicode U 0005F – ASCII 95
HTML reality & low bar; – HTML law _
Also known as the low line, low gusto, or understroke icon
PC keystroke ALT 95
Vertical Line –|
perpendicular line
Vertical Line
Unicode U 0007C – ASCII 124
HTML reality & vert; – HTML law |
Also called the pipe, pipeline symbol, Sheffer stroke, perpendicular rent, suppose colon or separator line.
A symbol that’s generally encountered in statements involving sense and sets
PC keystroke ALT 124
yearning subscribe – ¥
yearning subscribe
Unicode U 000A5
HTML reality & yearning; – HTML law ¥
Also used for the Chinese Yuan currency
PC keystroke ALT 0165 – Mac keystroke OPTION Y

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7 thoughts on “List of character, symbol & sign names

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